Monday, May 11, 2015

A "New" Look at Psalm 23

The Divine Shepherd, Psalm 23, A Psalm of David
Back when I was a Baptist and knew everything by virtue of my likewise perfected teachers I would have considered any rewrite whatsoever of God’s Holy Word and Scripture the King Jimmy 1611 to be blasphemy of the most heinous sort, not to be tolerated. There just wouldn’t have been a stake big enough to burn me on. But I’m in recovery from the real blasphemy now, undoing years of false indoctrination that made God out to be the meanest guy in the universe and rewriting a legalistic interpretation of scripture that has probably sent more people to hell than pornography and gluten combined!
My biggest problem was, per Acts 8:31, that I could recite bible verses all the live long day until the hypocritical cows came home but basically I had no idea what the hell I was talking about. And having come clean about doing this most of my life I now see it all the time. It’s no wonder that Christ Himself was so angry with the Phrarisee’s and a wonder that He didn’t do some serious smiting on them, or maybe He did. In any event, and forgive me for criticizing the Almighty here, it seems that to allow legalism to run rampant throughout human history is akin to allowing Bubonic plague to infect the Garden of Eden. It’s that bad. It’s totaled that many souls, very nearly my own. I used to joke that if the rapture occurred Sunday morning, would anyone notice…not that we believe in such things in our modern enlightened age!
So without further adieu, let’s have a look at that most famous of Psalms, Psalm 23, The Divine Shepherd and break it down in terms that I can understand and that mean something to me.

God is my protector, my keeper and my guide, and I have everything I need or desire.
Because of him I can relax in a place of security and plenty where all my needs are met.
Because of him I can relax in a place of peace and refreshment where my innermost fundamental being is restored to a right working order.
He guides me in a way and to places that are the very best for me, just because he wants to.

Even when I’m traveling through grim and terrifying places I don’t have to be afraid: he won’t leave me.
He has tools he uses to both protect me and correct me, and these are a great solace and comfort.

He even provides everything I want and need and more and does so in front of people who hate me;
He treats me like an adopted son, like a king treats his prince, like royalty, so that I have more in life than I can possibly use.
I know for a fact that good things and right actions, and even absolution for my many mistakes, will be a part of my life for the rest of my life, and that I get to live with him, right next to him, together with him, for the rest of my life and even into the life to come.

I’m looking above my head right now and I see no sign of a thunderstorm or lightning strike. Blue skies indeed, and what’s more is that I didn’t just recite a well known scripture out of rote or ritual; this means something to me. It gives me hope and confidence and more than a little joy. I can’t speak for you or anyone else, but just by putting this in my own words, his living Word took on new meaning and application. Thank you, God.

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