Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Nuts and Bolts of Heartbreak

Just take two people who are so closely suited to each other as to defy description, two people whose attributes are so alluring, that touch the other's hearts in such a way as to mimic reaching the very finger of God...and then interject human frailty.
Suddenly, the male ego intervenes: "My way or the highway!" or "Obey!" or "Listen to my plan and come along...or GET LOST! why don't you?"
Or the female ego intervenes: "What about MY needs?" or "Don't you care about me?" or "Why won't you let me manipulate you, when you KNOW it will make me FEEL better???"
Both questions answer themselves. To reach God we have to transcend, we have to grasp His love and not our own version of the same. We don't get it our way. The male doesn't get the perfect bodied sex-goddess who is a whore in bed and a saint in the kitchen. And the female doesn't get the thorough planner, the alpha male above all others who elevates her to goddessdom and grants all her wishes...RIGHT THEN/RIGHT NOW...
Instead, both have to seek God. Both have to come to grips with their own futility, their own mortality, their own impending doom as the sands of time run inexorably on, as the male's strength wanes and the female's beauty withers. Both are left - if they survive - with God and God alone...and that's exactly how He intended it. That's exactly how He knew it must be in the context of this fallen world where all choices are reduced to their lowest common denominator.
It's the only way: submit. The male submits to God and the female (poor thing) submits to both, trusting that both will be in line. And the ladies choice is by far the hardest, the most courageous, having to trust both in a world where at least 50% of both have let her down on a regular basis.
But every once in a while someone comes along who gets it. They may not encompass The Path, but they at least recognize that there IS a path and they're doing their best. And that's the best, ladies, that you can hope to find in your challenged state of choices. It's not your fault, well at least post-Eve who takes some culpability for this mess. But you do have to answer for it as males have to answer for everything post-Cain.
We never meant to hurt you.
You were always the being of our dreams, though we lacked the insight to even dream of you when our lives were bereft of even the thought of you.
And now that we know you're out there, that God DID provide exactly what we needed, to see you so close and to experience your love and giving and support and encouragement and transcendence...and then have it all taken away because you suffer the same ailments of sin and fallenness that we males must endure (or either overcome or ignore)....well, my dear, that is the worst punishment of all.
I KNOW I can't live without God. My challenge is to continue to come to grips with that and then submit and love Him on His own terms.
But I FEEL that I can't live without you, ma'am...and you're own fallen nature makes the inscrutable and the unknowable even more so yet without the basic goodness of a perfect God, Lord and Creator. You want a man you can trust but are not yourselves trustworthy. You want him strong yet submissive while retaining your own strength minus submissiveness.
It doesn't work that way, though we all agree you've received the lousiest part of the bargain. I can't help that. All I can do is say....
I love you.
I'll do my best.
I may not know much about The Path, but I know the direction and I will continue on.
And I want you to come with me.
What's more, I may not want to continue if you choose NOT to come, because God Himself said it's not good for man to dwell alone (though I'm pretty sure He mean, "it's not good for ANYONE to dwell alone... even God."
And if I do make it, for one brief moment I'll think how useless it was without you, maybe more than one moment. For this is as much about you as it is about me.
I love you.
I need you.
It's not worth it, at least from my vantage point now, without you.
Please come with me.

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