Thursday, November 20, 2014

These Lies Lie Upon the Lies of Liars Who Lie

Oh, joyous day!
Faux-president Bam-Bam decried unilaterally (according to shameless sell-out Matt Drudge) that....well, I actually don't know what the hell he said because it wasn't what he said he was going to say nor was it what he was expected to say nor am I saying in response to what he didn't say what I'd really like to say. Uh....yeah.
Thank you! If you ever needed any further proof that there is a Satan, this issue pretty much makes it clear.
Okay, let's try to weed through this. The president who can't make law has just decreed that illegal aliens who are in the US in contradiction to US law can now stay as long as they were here before 2010, which is patently unprovable, and they don't have babies who are either anchors or related to anchors or feel as weighty as anchors. So it's amnesty but not amnesty and Obam-bam being bold while being his usual sissy-self and republicans are freaking out as usual over something that didn't quite happen while protestors/supporters are graciously lauding Bam-Bam's action which wasn't exactly what they had in mind but may or not be spun in their favor come morning.
But, you see....that's effing retarded.
Sissy-Bam has already suspended any enforcement of illegals so who cares what year you snuck into America (how's that Marine doing who snuck into Mexico, by the way?) when you'll never be arrested for your crime? If my license plates expire on my car I will face a draconian death squad who will pilfer the last of my bank account to "make it right" but if I sneak into America, sign up for benefits at tax-payer expense while not paying taxes, then send the surplus home to Mehico while living in a 2-room apartment with 20 of my compadres then...well, that's okay.
I don't blame O-what's his name and Where's-he-from? one little bit. He just wants to finish his golf game and retire to Hawaii with his husband and not worry about this anymore. He's always been a figure head and nothing else, and will give no thought whatsoever to the consequences of his actions because, DUH, most Mexicans (whom I LOVE as a people, by the long as they continue to call Mexico home) can never, EVER swim to Hawaii. sum up: he kinda rubbed our faces in shit but didn't and kinda made illegal immigration legal but didn't and kinda pissed off the Republicans (oh, let's face it: they're ALWAYS pissed off!) but didn't and kinda broke the law but didn't and kinda is president but ISN'T, because he taught constitutional law but seems to be having an 8-year memory lapse on the whole natural-born citizen gig. Thought I forgot, didn't ya! Pfffftt! I did some of the original research in '08, thank you very much.
So! One more time, since I'm dealing with an 8-year old government entity haven't fooled anybody, and by that I mean you've fooled most everybody but they will wake up. I believe in them. I know them. I love them. They'll get it, and...they'll get you. It ain't YOU, Bam-bam,  you tool and shill. But your masters who are looking 20 years down the road at a degraded but still semi-functioning US economy and know that we need cheap labor more than anything, you bastards will pay for what you're doing. Not in my lifetime, assuredly, but in the next. And the nice thing is: I'll be there. I'll see it.
HIS Kingdom comes. You can't stop it. You're beaten and this little chicanery you're pulling on a free people who love and raise families and work hard and try to snatch some semblance of joy from this debacle you continue to won't work and the victims you're pulling it on, they will be your judges.
So...hooray for the sell-out Republicans and they're farcical cries of self-righteous displeasure. And hooray for the Demorats and they're self-bloated cries of victory while they choose another far-removed candidate for 2016. And hooray for all the Mexicans whose conscience allows them to come here while I can't go there (I'm going there anyway, by the way, and will take a gun and will bring at least a corner of freedom to that wasted land...but it might be a while). Hooray for all of you and this entire charade you've almost kinda pulled over our almost kinda closed eyes.
Lies upon lies upon lies.

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